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Who is responsible for implementing the New Zoning Code?
The New Zoning Code is implemented by various City Agencies, with the Department of City Planning (DCP) and the Department of Building and Safety (DBS) playing the primary roles. Other departments involved in the implementation process, such as the Department of Transportation and Public Works Department, each with specific responsibilities for certain regulations.
- Department of City Planning (DCP): DCP focuses on the long-range planning and policy aspects of the New Zoning Code. They handle zone changes, General Plan amendments, and Specific Plan adoptions. They also oversee special programs and incentives, such as the Community Benefits Program and Transfer of Development Rights, and manage the review and approval of development projects.
- Department of Building and Safety (DBS): DBS is the primary enforcer of the New Zoning Code. They review most applications to ensure compliance with regulations concerning building forms, frontages, development standards, uses, and density. This includes aspects like setbacks, lot sizes, floor area ratios, building heights, landscaping, parking, and permitted uses within various zones. DBS also handles matters related to nonconformities (existing structures or uses that do not align with the new code), exceptions, and the restoration or replacement of damaged or hazardous buildings.
- Department of Transportation (DOT): DOT's primary focus is on transportation-related aspects of the New Zoning Code. They review and approve automobile access packages, ensuring adequate and safe access for vehicles. They may also be involved in reviewing traffic studies and issuing permits for projects with significant transportation impacts.
- Department of Public Works: The Department of Public Works manages the dedication and improvement of streets, including setting street standards, reviewing exceptions, and overseeing the improvement process. They also handle matters related to private streets, ensuring they meet necessary standards.
In addition to these departments, several other agencies play specific roles in implementing the New Zoning Code:
- Department of Recreation and Parks: Ensures sufficient recreational space for communities by reviewing and approving park fees and land dedications associated with new developments.
- Department of Housing: Responsible for specific housing-related programs and regulations within the New Zoning Code, including the preservation and development of affordable housing.
- Department of Water and Power: Ensures that new developments have adequate water and power infrastructure.
- Police Department: Plays a role in reviewing and approving certain uses, such as those involving alcohol sales.
The implementation of the New Zoning Code is a collaborative effort among these departments and agencies, ensuring the planned and sustainable development of the City.