Frequently Asked Questions

How do I determine the zoning regulations for a property?

The Interactive Web-Based Zoning Code has a property report function that streamlines how to find the zoning regulations that apply to a specific property.

  1. Go to the Report function on the Interactive Web-Based Zoning Code.
  2. Enter the property address and follow the directions.
  3. Browse or download the report generated.

You can also find the zoning regulations for a property by using the Zoning Information and Map Access System (ZIMAS):

  1. Go to the ZIMAS.
  2. Enter the property address.
  3. Select "Planning and Zoning" from the drop-down menu.
  4. Check the "Zone" field.
  5. Click on the zone to view the zoning information.

Understanding the Zoning Information

The zoning information will typically include a combination of letters and numbers that represent the specific zoning regulations that apply to the property.

New Zoning Code

If the zone is represented as a combination of letters and numbers in brackets (e.g., [MB3-SH1-1][CX3-4][CPIO]), then the property is in an area governed by the New Zoning Code. The bracketed letters and numbers represent the following:  

  • MB3 is the Form District, which regulates the building's form, such as its height, setbacks, and lot coverage.
  • SH1 is the Frontage District, which regulates the building's frontage, such as the transparency and articulation of the facade.
  • 1 is the Development Standards District, which regulates the development standards, such as parking, landscaping, and access.
  • CX3 is the Use District, which regulates the uses that are allowed on the property.
  • 4 is the Density District, which regulates the density of development on the property.
  • CPIO is the Supplemental District, which provides additional regulations that supplement the zoning.

Original Zoning Code

If the zone is represented as a combination of letters and numbers without brackets (e.g., [Q]C2-2D-CDO), then the property is in an area governed by the Original Zoning Code. To find those regulations by going to ZIMAS and clicking on the zone for the property which will take you to the Original Zoning Code (Chapter 1 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code).

Important Notes:

  • The New Zoning Code is being implemented gradually, starting with the Downtown Community Plan. Other Community Plans will be updated over time, expanding the areas subject to the New Zoning Code.
  • During this transition period, both the New Zoning Code and the Original Zoning Code will be in effect in different parts of the City.
  • For properties subject to the New Zoning Code, it is important to note that it introduces new concepts and terminology.


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